Yitong Li

I am a junior student in Weiyang college, Tsinghua University. Currently I am an intern advised by Yunzhu Li. And I am also an intern in CFCS advised by Hao Dong.

My research interest lies in the intersection of 3D vision, robot learning and generative model. Previously I have in-depth research experience in the topics of physics intuition and imitation learning.

I am actively seeking for Phd position in 2025fall!

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Broadcasting Support Relations Recursively from Local Dynamics for Object Retrieval in Clutters
Yitong Li*, Ruihai Wu*, Haoran Lu, Chuanruo Ning, Yan Shen, Granqi Zhan, Hao Dong
RSS, 2024
project page / video / arXiv

Use local dynamcis predictor in a recursive methodology to infer support relations in complex cluttered scenario for safe manipulation.

UniGarment: A Unified Simulation and Benchmark for Garment Manipulation
Haoran Lu, Yitong Li*, Ruihai Wu*, Chuanruo Ning, Yan Shen, Hao Dong
ICRA Whokshop on Deformable Object Manipulation, 2024 Spotlight Presentation
project page / video

We present UniGarment, a benchmark designed for garment manipulation within realistic 3D indoor scenes. Our benchmark encompasses a diverse range of garment types, robotic systems and manipulators